#1, Kelly’s question. What is your favorite memory associated with the smell of a certain food? As in, you smell it, close your eyes and are instantly drawn back to a magical moment in time….
It would probably be the smell of my grandmother’s recipe for brown sugar “ice box” cookies baking in the oven. My mother made those a lot when I was growing up. (It’s a great cookie recipe that you chill in the fridge and then bake whenever you want.)
#2. Name something red that is in your cabinets.
Spaghetti sauce
#3. Ice. Do you have an ice maker, use ice cube trays or buy by the bag?
We have an ice maker and also use trays to make distilled water ice cubes.
#4. Pepper. What kind do you use most often? Is it in a grinder or a shaker?
I have both kinds, but we use the pepper grinder the most.
Those ice box cookies sound really convenient. I like food you can prepare ahead of time and then just pop them in whenever.
Those cookies sound wonderful! Yum!
I’ve not heard of ice box cookies. That would be so convenient.