Valentine’s Day Giveaway: “Fireproof

This Valentine’s Day giveaway is dedicated to “love in marriage.” The theme song for my giveaway is not one from the “Fireproof” movie soundtrack, but this one:

“We’re dancing in the minefields, we’re sailing in the storms. And this is harder than we dreamed, but I believe that’s what the promise is for.”

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  To celebrate this day, I’m having a giveaway for the DVD “Fireproof.”  My theme for this giveaway is “Love in marriage.”  If you haven’t heard of “Fireproof,” it’s a great movie about saving a marriage that’s on the brink of divorce.  All hope seems lost for any chance to save the marriage, but through practicing an active love that meets the needs of the other person, the marriage in the movie was saved.  Not only was it saved, but it transformed into a beautiful relationship, deeper than ever before, because it was based on true, agape-type love.  This doesn’t just happen in movies.  I’ve read about real accounts of this happening, and I’ve seen it happen in the lives of two girlfriends of mine, one several years ago and the other, many years ago.  So what the movie portrays is not just a bunch of hype.  It’s real!

Even though marriage can be hard at times, a couple is in it together and can still “dance” even when times are stormy because of the agape love they have for each other and the commitment…the promise…they have made to each other.  But more importantly…the promise they have made before God.  So if you know someone who’s marriage is falling apart, maybe you could tell them about this giveaway, or you could enter the giveaway and give the DVD to them if you win.  Or maybe, like us, you really like the movie and would like to have your own copy of it.  Either way, here’s the scoop:


Leave a comment.  (Be sure and leave an email address for me when it asks for one so that I can contact you if you win.)


The Healthy Home Blog Valentine’s Day Giveaway runs from 2-14-11 until midnight CST 2-28-11.  It is open to all U.S. and Canadian residents.


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* Note:  I was not compensated in any way for this.  I purchased the DVD for this giveaway.

23 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Giveaway: “Fireproof

  1. Sign me up! Sounds like a wonderful movie.
    Happy Valentines Day form Janis, living Happily Every After.. 24 plus years, and still counting?

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