Menu Plan Monday 1/23/12

Trying to eat healthy is still the theme in our kitchen but somehow dark chocolate and pumpkin bread happen to be sitting on our counter right now. Hmmm….at least there is a health benefit with the antioxidants in dark chocolate and the beta carotene in pumpkin. Right?
I’m trying hard not to have fried foods often at all.   The main fried food we have is salmon patties, but how can you make salmon patties without frying them?

Before I go on with our menu for the week, I must apologize for a few dead links in my last two Menu Plan Mondays.  I have been so busy at work packing up everything in my classroom, moving into a brand new wing at school, unpacking, and setting up a classroom.  I’ve been in a hurry and haven’t tested all my links like I usually do, so here are working links to all my recipes from the last two weeks:.

MondayLow-Cal Fettuccine Alfredo (new recipe from Food Network), chicken, salad
Tuesday:  Leftovers

Wednesday Tuscan Glazed Chicken (use light mayo), veggies

Thursday: Salmon patties, corn, green beans

Friday: Chicken Parmesan Rollatini from “Food Network,” green beans, salad


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