“Happy Mommy’s Day” is what our son guesses that his nephew, J (our grandson), is probably saying today. I can imagine J saying that.
To all of you mothers out there, hope everyone has a Happy Mother’s Day and can enjoy being with family. To all of you young mothers like our daughter, Christi, there is hope for sleep in the future. I was thinking this morning how Christi has not had a full nights sleep in the past two and a half years (actually 33 months) except for maybe a dozen times. (Is that accurate, Christi?) That shows the love and commitment of a mother.
Maybe a few more times than that, but it has been a long time! 🙂 Things are starting to be a lot better sleep-wise, though. And those adorable little faces make sleep deprivation completely worth it!
.-= Christi´s last blog ..Friday Follow – Happy Mother’s Day! =-.
Happy Mother’s Day, Charla!! 😀
Ah yes, I remember wondering when I would EVER get a full night’s sleep. It does happen again, yay!
.-= Rebecca´s last blog ..Been MIA in the Kitchen =-.
Thanks, Rebecca! 🙂