Canton “First Monday Trade Days” (Flea market)

If you’ve never been to First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas, then be prepared for an all day experience.  Be sure to wear your most comfortable walking shoes.  There is so much to see!  And you won’t want to leave until you’ve seen it all.   Some people even make a two day event out of it.  

Bed and Breakfast accommodations are in the area which are always fun. Two of my best friends from high school and I left kids and husbands at home and celebrated our 50th birthdays one weekend in Canton. We caught up on each other’s lives and had a really great time!  

Here’s a little background on Canton. It’s the county seat and was established in 1850.  There was a bitter fight to move the courthouse to Wills Point in 1877, but Canton eventually won. That’s a good thing because we probably wouldn’t have “First Mondays” if Wills Point had won.   

A famous recipe from Canton’s Dixie Hotel way back in the 1940’s & 1950’s was for “Osgood Pie from Dixie House.” If you make the pie, let me know how you like it.   And…if you decide to visit Canton, remember that First Monday is on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday preceding the first Monday in each month.

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