End of Season Clearance Sales!

I enjoy going to the end of season clearance sales.  My favorite sales are the ones that are 75% off.  Last summer I went to a really good sale.  I got four skirts for less than the price of one because I had coupons too.  I think with tax I paid under $60 for the four skirts, and they were originally $60 skirts.  I had already decided I wanted to get some new skirts, so it wasn’t an impulse buy.  And I try to buy mainly things that I know will go with something I already have and will complete an outfit.

When our daughter was in college, she worked for the Gap.  She would get fantastic buys on end of season items.  A couple of times she was able to get things for $1.99.  I remember one time she got her brother three pairs of boys shorts for a little over $6.  And they were nice shorts.   So she’s good at finding bargains too.  We both get excited when we find really good deals and we’ll add up what the original value would have been.  It’s fun figuring out how much we saved!  Now that she lives in another town, we can’t wait to email each other about the bargains we find!  🙂

2 thoughts on “End of Season Clearance Sales!

  1. Target has some great stuff on clearance right now – a lot of the dorm room stuff is pretty cheap (and some of it is nice, and could be used in a home rather than a dorm).

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