Hamilton Beach® Eclectrics® All-Metal Stand Mixer

When I was growing up, all the relatives would meet at my grandparents’ house for the holidays. My grandmother, mother, and aunts would cook the most delicious homemade dinners. The highlight of every dinner was my grandmother’s rolls. They were so delicious, and everyone ate several…they were that good! I still remember how light and delicate they were. My grandmother passed away many years ago, but I still have her recipe for “Dry Yeast Rolls” written in her handwriting. I would like to share it with you:

DRY YEAST ROLLS: *2 pkg dry yeast *2 cups lukewarm water *1/2 cup sugar *6 1/2 cups flour sifted with 2 tsp salt *1 egg *1/4 cup vegetable oil In mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in sugar. Add half the flour and salt mixture and beat for 2 minutes. Add beaten egg and vegetable oil. Stir well. Add rest of flour mixture and mix well. Grease top of mixture, cover, and put in warm place till double in bulk. Work down, turn out on floured board, and make into rolls. Let rise. Bake at 400 F. This makes 4 dozen rolls. To make 2 dozen rolls, cut all ingredients in half except the egg. Use 1 egg for half the recipe.

I have a 30 year old stand mixer which I’ve used many times through the years. There are a couple of things I wish it had, though, that the Eclectrics® Mixer has such as a splatter shield that would keep the flour from getting all over the counter. The Hamilton Beach® Mixer also has a handle on the side which I really like. My stand mixer, however, does not have one, and I wish it did. It’s so much easier handling the bowl if it does have a handle, especially if your hands are a little damp. I you are looking to buy a stand mixer then I suggest that you check out the Hamilton Beach® Stand Mixer .

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