Family Traditions

Family traditions mean so much, especially during the holidays. I can think back to my childhood and visualize our Christmas tree with our family around it. I can remember being with relatives at my grandparents small, two bedroom home, all of us crowded in there having the best time telling stories of long ago and laughing and eating the most delicious food. One of our food traditions that we have now during holidays is a simplified version of a strawberries & jello dessert. When our daughter was little, she didn’t like the sour cream in it, so my mother made a special version with just strawberries, strawberry jello, & Cool Whip. We still make it 20 years later, and I think of my mother nearly every time we make it. She passed away several years ago, so that simple recipe is a special family tradition. When Baby J is older, I wouldn’t be surprised if he likes “Mema’s Strawberry Dessert.”

Jude has some good thoughts about family traditions. Click here to read more.

One thought on “Family Traditions

  1. I only knew your mother for a short period of time. She was a very sweet woman. I know that since Bryan got married and we became instant grandparents to Cooper, my mom is more and more in my thoughts. And now that Bryan and Jessica are actually having a child together, I know that we will be reminded of my parents even more. I know you wish your mom could share in your joy watching your daughter become the mom you always knew she would be. I think that is what I miss the most about my parents being in heaven – the memories we are making now are not shared. Your grandson is a cutie patootie. If I ever get to see him, I will catch him up on his grandma spoiling for you!

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