“Top Commentors” & “Subscribe to Comments”

For my readers, I want to point out that I now have two new features added to my blog. On the right-hand sidebar, there is a place for (top) Commentors as of yesterday. Also, when you leave a comment, there’s a place to subscribe to comments and you will get an email about other comments made on that post.

Thanks, Meg, for the idea about the subscribe to comments! If anyone else has any suggestions, just let me know either by leaving a comment or going to “Contact” at the top of my home page.

5 thoughts on ““Top Commentors” & “Subscribe to Comments”

  1. Hmmm…

    Except that emails addresses are visible. Or is there no email field? Could you delete that last comment?

  2. Thanks, bunches!

    Which field is supposed to be for emails? I see “Name” and “Online Alias”, but not “Email”. I’ve never been quite sure.

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