Happy Mother’s Day…

Happy Mother’s Day…at least there’s two hours left. We went to visit our daughter, s-i-l, & Baby J and had a wonderful weekend. Our daughter graduated with her master’s degree, and we’re very proud of her. Baby J is crawling and pulling up, so he was the center of attention most of the time. We never lack for entertainment! 🙂

I heard “Things Mothers Say” on KLTY radio. Let me share with you:

  • “Can’t” means “Won’t” (a friend told me yesterday that her mother said that, too, all the time when she was growing up)
  • Pretty is as pretty does.
  • Pretty girls are a dime a dozen – get an education!
  • Anything worth having is worth waiting for!

Here are some my mother-in-law said to my husband while he was growing up:

  • Wash your neck and ears.
  • If you act as good as you look, then you’ll be OK.
  • Pick up your room.

I asked our son and daughter if they could remember anything I said, and they couldn’t. Actually, our daughter, “C,” said she’d have to think.

Are there any sayings you would like to share?

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