Four Foods on Friday # 34

1. What is one food that is grown, produced or made near where you live.

Peaches are grown in the north central Texas area and are so juicy & yummy!  I can’t wait to get some.
2. What is one food from another location that you haven’t had anything like anywhere else.

When we were in Hawaii several years ago, we went to a luau.  That was really fun and we ate food that was different from what we have here.
3. What is your favorite food from somewhere else?

My mother-in-law has places close to her where people can go and pick fresh strawberries.  They are so fresh and flavorful.  I wish we could do that here in Texas!
4. Share a family, ethnic or international recipe.

Peggy’s Singapore Curried Chicken

This is a recipe from a friend that I really want to try.  Sounds delicious!

4 thoughts on “Four Foods on Friday # 34

  1. Pingback: Fun, Crafts and Recipes | What I learned from Four Foods On Friday 34

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