Four Foods On Friday 55 – Thanksgiving Theme

Val from Fun, Crafts and Recipes has a Thanksgiving Theme this week:

#1. Stuffing. Boxed or from scratch?

My favorite stuffing was my mother’s made-from-scratch dressing.  My family likes Stove Top a lot, so that’s what I usually fix.
#2. If you were served the perfect Thanksgiving dinner what would it be?

Turkey, my mother’s dressing, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, homemade mashed potatoes, Michelle’s Holiday Sweet Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, deviled eggs, celery sticks, green & black olives, fresh fruit salad, my grandmother’s homemade rolls, & pumpkin pie with real whipped cream on top.  And iced tea to drink.  (I’m ready to eat!)

#3. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving leftover?

All of the leftovers!  🙂

#4. Share a recipe using turkey.

Here’s a recipe I want to try:  Campbell’s Country Turkey Casserole

8 thoughts on “Four Foods On Friday 55 – Thanksgiving Theme

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