Our Black Friday Shopping Experience

We had a great time shopping on Black Friday.  I met our daughter and one of her best friends at Old Navy at 4:30 AM.  We stood in line and enjoyed talking.  When the doors opened at 5, it was very orderly going into the store.  Next, we headed to Super-Target for the doors to open at 6.  The line was enormously long.  We heard one lady in line next to us talking about her horrible experience at Wal-Mart.  She said people were rude, one lady threatened to “mace” her, and some were shoving.  There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior.  We were blessed to encounter only nice people.  After getting the bargains at Target, we proceded to Mimi’s for a nice breakfast, then on to Lifeway Christian Bookstore.  We finished our shopping at Baby’s R Us and then to the mall briefly.  We had a wonderful time and it really was a lot of fun.  The best part was being together in the wee hours of the morning, talking and laughing!

One thought on “Our Black Friday Shopping Experience

  1. I have always found that anytime I’ve been with friends, we’ve had a really good time. Of course, you have to have GOOD friends for that. I’m glad you enjoyed your shopping experience. I’ve never gone out on Black Friday.

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