Happy New Year!

This is a little late, but I do want to wish everyone a happy new year.  The holidays were so busy that I neglected my blog, but family is more important!

We had a wonderful Christmas with family.  Our daughter, son-in-law and 16 month old grandson came on Christmas Eve.  We enjoyed being together on Christmas Day, however, we weren’t able to be with everyone we wanted to be with and missed them!

We went out the day after Christmas to shop the after Christmas sales a little bit.  Then our daughter and her family left and we proceded to pack our minivan and leave on our trip to Illinois to visit my husband’s mother.

We enjoyed a wonderful visit with my mother-in-law and also my husband’s nephew, his wife, young daughter, and baby.   However, my mother-in-law got sick on New Year’s Eve day with fever so all plans were abandoned.  We hated to leave her on Friday, but she seemed to be doing better.  A couple of days later on Sunday, a friend took her to the ER and she was admitted with double pneumonia.  (So beware, the only symptoms she had were fever, nasal congestion, and a little cough from her throat – no apparent chest congestion or pain) We’re thankful she’s improving!

I pray that everyone will have a good year, that you will grow ever closer in  relationship with the Lord and if you don’t have a relationship then I pray a seed of faith will develop and grow, that you will have quality time with your family, and that you will find much joy in the things that money can’t buy!

One thought on “Happy New Year!

  1. Sounds like you had a great time with the family. Like you, I kinda neglected my blog too, but family is more important. I found out over the holidays that I’m going to be a Nana for the 1st time. And I am very excited!! Can’t Wait!!

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