Breakfast, Lunch & Supper

When I leave for work in the morning, I take my lunch with me.  I’ve usually eaten a good breakfast of homemade instant oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon and a little brown sugar plus a whey-protein chocolate-flavored drink for good quality protein.  And tea! (good for losing weight, besides it’s my favorite drink)  That gets me through until lunch.

This week, lunch has consisted of an organic apple, a South Beach Protein Bar, and peanuts for some healthy fat.  And tea!    I don’t need diet pills with that kind of breakfast and lunch.  Then I have a snack when I first get home, which might even include a little dark chocolate, and then later have a healthy supper of my choice.  I’m not on a “diet” but am just very slowly losing some of the weight I gained during the Christmas holidays.  My pants aren’t tight in the waist anymore, and that’s a wonderful feeling!

4 thoughts on “Breakfast, Lunch & Supper

  1. I’ve started taking a fiber-rich granola bar with me to work for breakfast. I try to eat it mid-morning so that when lunch comes I’m still a little full from the granola bar. Doesn’t always work, though. 😉
    .-= Christi´s last blog ..Things I Love Thursday =-.

  2. I had not eaten instant oatmeal for years. Last week I had some while visiting my daughter in Florida. I had instant oatmeal. It was like eating a piece of apple pie. Yummy.

  3. Christi, fiber is great! The fiber in the oatmeal is what keeps me going until lunch, especially if I have the protein drink with it (just a small juice glass sized drink).

  4. Karen, I agree! Instant oatmeal is yummy, and the great thing is that it’s filling and keeps me from getting hungry before lunch.

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