5 Minutes For Mom’s 2010 Blog Party

Christi from The Frugal Novice, who just happens to be our wonderful daughter, has a great give-away at5 Minutes for Mom’s Blog Party.” Her give-away for a $25 Target gift card is listed under the US Continental Only Prize List and is US32.  You do not have to be a blogger to enter this, just go to this site and read what you need to do to join the fun and have a chance to win one of the many, many prizes being offered.   There are so many great prizes being offered, so don’t miss out on the fun!  Other prizes I really like are US39 which is a two night stay at a Hilton Garden Inn provided by bloggin2noggin, US113 for a $50 Walmart gift card provided by Susan from Opinions, thoughts and everyday life , USC3 for a $50 Target gift card from Peggy at PegsPlay, USC15 for a $50 Target gift card from Haley at Love, Live and Then Some, and USC39 for a $50 PayPal prize from Trisha at MomDot.

My top picks after the laptop are in the following order:  US39, US113, USC3, USC35, USC39, USC15, USC8, US32, US107, US88, Us31

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