Friendly Friday 7-16-10

Welcome to Friendly Friday!

Remember, YOU can host the link list on your blog too! Just click “Get the code here…” at the bottom of the list. The code is different every week, so be sure to get the new code when hosting Friendly Friday on your blog. Hosting the list is a great way for everyone to get even more traffic to their blog.

Thanks for joining the Friendly Friday celebration hosted by Christi at Frugal Novice, Xenia at Thanks, Mail Carrier and Charla at Healthy Home Blog! We invite you to join us every Friday to make more friends in blogville, get more blog followers and follow other great blogs out there.

To join in the Friendly Friday celebration, include your link in our list, follow the hostesses in the first 3 spots and then start blog hopping! Visit other blogs on the list and comment to give them some blog love. Then take a minute to follow them through Google Friend Connect – this is a good way to keep up with other blogs, but also lets us show support to each other! Please DO NOT list your giveaways here, links must be to either your homepage or your Friday posting with your blog title. All others will be deleted.

When people comment on your blog and let you know they’re a part of Friendly Friday, return the favor and follow them back. This way everyone gets traffic and followers out of participating, and it’s a win-win situation. We would love for you to also grab our Friendly Friday button and post it on your blog and/or in a post – the more bloggers that find out about Friendly Friday and participate, the better!

Spotlight on Friendly Friday Followers!
We love your participation and want to show it! In addition to gaining followers, each week we’ll select three blogs at random and will feature links and a write-up for those blogs in the content of next week’s Friendly Friday post. There are so many seriously wonderful blogs out there, and this will be a great way to highlight some of those each week. Say hello to the lucky chosen 3 for this week (and feel free to stop by and give them a little extra love):

If you visit Moogie & Pap on an empty stomach, you may end up making an impromptu trip to the grocery store! Joann (aka Moogie) painted murals and designed landscapes professionally for years, and now enjoys baking for her blog. Filled with creative and mouth-watering recipes plus really beautiful photos, this blog is a delight to the senses. From Cloud Souffle (how could that not be something good?) to “Magically Delicious Marshmallow Crunch Brownie Bars”, there are a ton of new recipes for you to try!

Really in the mood for a party? Nicole at 2 Savvy Sisters has a boatload of ideas to inspire your next soiree – there are ideas for themes, including great decor and invitation examples. Nicole also runs an Etsy shop with the same name, where she sells home decor and party items.  She describes herself as loving all things crafty, party, and paper-related. She’s a part-time instructor for the University of Phoenix, and a mom to two adorable little boys, too – but still manages to find time to make her custom creations!

Adventures of Wee Mason Man is the story of two newbie parents, two dogs, two cats, and one little boy. Frankly and humorously written, it’s a blog filled with absolutely adorable photos of their little boy, Mason. Need something to make you smile? Just take one look at him and it’ll brighten your day! The first post of this blog is their ultrasound photos, so it really does chronicle Mason from the very start!
Now that you know about these 3 wonderful blogs, it’s time for you to join in! Add your link below and we’ll see you back here every Friday! And don’t forget, you can grab the code to share the link list on your blog too.

All three hostesses appreciate followers through GFC and Twitter, and we’ll follow you back – just leave a comment with your URL and/or Twitter username. Have a great weekend, everyone!

8 thoughts on “Friendly Friday 7-16-10

  1. Happy Friendly Friday Charla! Here we are…another week gone…and it really is over for me since I am off tomorrow!!! I hope you have a great weekend.

    Oh, and that pie looks delicious! Now I am hungry. Thanks for that. 😉

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