Menu Plan Monday 7-12-10

Just to let you know, we did go to Chick-Fil-A on Friday dressed partly like cows (ears and a sign on the front of our shirts downloaded from their site).  We were expecting to get just our entree free, but they gave all three of us complete meals for free.  I must admit that it was fun watching all the other people (adults, several college students – one of them was our son, as well as little kids) dressed up as cows to some extent.  Some were very creative.   And I must admit, too, that we didn’t put on our ears and signs until we peeked inside to make sure other people were dressed like cows!

OK, enough of cow attire.  On to our menu for this week:

MONDAY:   Chicken Pasta with Ragu Sauce (I found it on sale for 99 cents a jar and bought several), fried zucchini, and homemade garlic bread

TUESDAY:  Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli and salad  (simple recipe but a favorite of my husband and our son)

WEDNESDAY:  Chicken Tortilla Soup (we didn’t have it last week after all)

THURSDAY:   Salmon Patties (a favorite of my husband) and frozen veggies (that sounds funny…I should say “frozen veggies that have been cooked”)

FRIDAY:   Use this really great coupon I have and eat out somewhere!!

Note:  Please bear with “Link Within” below.  I just installed it, and the posts suggested below aren’t necessarily corresponding with the main post.  Some of them seem really random!

8 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday 7-12-10

  1. Fried zucchini…wow. Would love that. They call it (zucchini that is) courgettes over here (UK). Sadly, don’t think anyone fries it tho…

    Thanks for stopping by! p.s. If you saw my response on my blog, I was way off! It is Schwartz, but it’s a mix of thyme, marjoram, and parsley. Who knew?

  2. Sorry about the links, Ladies. I was gone and didn’t know about the problem until a few minutes ago. AnonHelp figured it out…thanks so much!

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