Very Special Rings

Valentine’s Day is just less than one month away.  I wonder how many will be getting promise rings or maybe even engagement rings?  I remember very clearly when my husband gave me my engagement ring.  A few days after he proposed, we went looking at rings and picked out the style we liked.  The jeweler checked the size of my ring finger and the ring was ordered.  The surprise was that I didn’t know when the ring was going to be ready.  Even though I knew I was getting an engagement ring, I remember how special it was when my husband surprised me with the ring box and then put the ring on my finger.

We still have our wedding rings although my husband wears a newer, nicer band that I got him years ago.  I still wear my original engagement and wedding rings plus an anniversary ring that my husband bought me around the time I got him a new band.  All of these rings are very special to us because they symbolize the unending love between us!

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