Safe Driving

Did you know that there are cutting edge, safe driving systems that have been created with an emphasize on safe driving behavior and creative technology?   One patented system monitors drivers and “mentors” them so they can learn to reduce speeding and aggressive driving.   It also monitors seat belt habits to encourage drivers to always wear their seat belt so they will be in compliance with the law.

Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) is the safety program used by FMCSA to encourage safer driving by large trucks and buses.  It focuses on seven major behaviors that cause crashes.  CSA 2010 is such a program.  Being a solution oriented global leader, inthinc is devoted to improving safer driving behaviors with programs such as this.

Teenagers just learning to drive are a major concern for many parents.  It’s not that their teen is a bad driver but rather an inexperienced driver when it comes to handling a vehicle on a busy road.  There are all types of factors such as distracted driving that can cause accidents, and inthinc is committed to helping reduce those accidents.

Note:  This is a sponsored post.

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