Wordy Wednesday: Christi & her “Babes”

Would you like to hear something about our daughter, the “Frugal Novice?”  Christi’s dad sang this song to her (while playing the guitar )years ago when she was a baby.  Now, she has with babes of her own.


Where are you going my little one, little one?
Where are you going my baby, my own?
Turn around and you’re two,
Turn around and you’re four.
Turn around and you’re a young girl
Going out of the door.

Where are you going my little one, little one?
Where are you going my baby, my own?
Turn around and you’re two,
Turn around and you’re grown.

Turn around and you’re a young wife
With babes of your own.

Turn around, Turn around,

Turn around and you’re a young wife

With babes of your own.


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