Menu Plan Monday 4/4/11

April was my grandfather’s birthday month.  I’m thankful for such wonderful memories of him!  If he were alive, family would travel to my grandparent’s house for dinner and birthday cake.  I would probably end up sitting in my grandmother’s rocking chair next to my grandfather’s, and we would rock while he would tell me stories about his life and growing up.  I wish so much I had written those stories down or recorded them!  I remember very few of them now. If your grandparents are still alive, don’t lose the opportunity to record stories they tell.

So with that said, here’s our menu for the week:

Monday:  Rotisserie Chicken, baby Lima beans, cauliflower

Tuesday:   Leftover chicken, baked potatoes, salad

Wednesday:   Chicken Tortilla Soup

Thursday:   Chicken-Zucchini Alfredo from Food Network’s Healthy Eating

Friday:  Pizza & salad

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