Wordless Wednesday: 417 Pizza

Great pizza place in Springfield, Missouri, called 417 Pizza.  We spent the night in Springfield on a vacation one time.  We arrived in Springfield after dark and ended up eating dinner late.  Pizza sounded good to all of us, and we read good reviews about this place so decided to give it a try.  There was one thing, though, after we got there and saw their closing time on the door, we realized they closed in five minutes.  That didn’t matter to them.  They saw us at the door and invited us in.  We ordered our pizza, and they baked it for us.  It was delicious!  They were so friendly and were making sure we had everything we needed. After we left, we wished they had a 417 Pizza in Texas!

2 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: 417 Pizza

  1. oh my.. Visiting your blog makes me hungry.. Thanks for sharing your shot! good work..

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