Our Son Plays Steel Drums

For those of you who don’t know, our son has played in school band since he started sixth grade. He’s now a junior in college, so if you do the math then you’ll know that he’s been playing for nine years. He’s played percussion all nine of those years. In high school, he played mostly on the marimba and vibes. But since he’s been in college, he’s also been playing steel drums. In fact, this year he will be not be playing in marching band at all but will only be doing the Percussion Ensemble where he will be playing steel drums. He really enjoys doing that!

The only bad part is the vast majority of their concerts have been during the week, and as a school teacher, I really can’t afford to take off work a couple of days to travel and see their concerts. The next best thing is video tape which we love being able to watch. I’m hoping this year is different and that they will have a concert or two on the weekend where we can attend!

3 thoughts on “Our Son Plays Steel Drums

  1. I hope you get to see his concert performances in person soon! My son will have the opportunity to join in grade school band when we move in December and he’s interested in the drums. I’m planning to take him in to check out different instruments so he can truly know what he wants to play.

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