Menu Plan Monday 9/10/12

Exciting news: Our new granddaughter was born this past week!!  She is baby sister to her older brothers J (age 5) and C (age 3).  This is such an exciting time in our lives.  Babies are truly a blessing from God, and we feel very blessed to have three precious grandchildren!

School is coming along.  Still soooo much to do to finally feel caught up.  Love my students and that makes it all worth it.  The only thing is that I have gained weight since school started three weeks ago.  Not a good thing.  I feel like I’ve gained three or four pounds.  So, we need to start eating really healthy and cut out some desserts.

Here’s a recipe we won’t be having this week because of the heavy whipping cream in it, but it sounds very delicious and worth sharing:

If you make it, let me know how you like it.  Here’s our menu for the week with no heavy whipping cream!!
Monday:  Chicken, corn, Organic Mixed Spinach & Spring Mix Salad

TuesdaySalmon Patties, salad, baby carrots ……………………

Wednesday: Marinated Chicken Breasts from Food Network (grill on stove top), green beans & onions, salad

Thursday: Rotisserie Chicken, zucchini, salad

FridayFreschetta’s Simply Inspired “Farmers Market Veggie” Pizza   (thin crust – lower carbs), salad

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