Menu Plan Monday 10/15/12

Still haven’t made a pumpkin pie, but I do have cans of pumpkin in my kitchen cabinet, ready to go in a pie or custard.  It probably won’t be much longer til a pie is sitting on our counter!

Please remember all the homeless people in your prayers.  We try to keep a bag of non-perishable food in our car at all times so if we see someone on the corner with a sign, we’ll have food (if they’re given cash, there’s a chance they might spend it on drugs or alcohol).    Someone once asked me, “What if they’re scamming?”  My reply was, “But what if they’re not and they really need it.”   We never know how something we do for others could affect their lives.
Here are some dessert recipes for the upcoming holiday season:


Menu for this week:
Monday:  Rotisserie chicken, sauteed zucchini, carrots,

Tuesday:  Leftovers from Monday

Wednesday:   Salmon Patties, salad, corn

Thursday:  Vegetarian Chili

Friday: Pizza, salad

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