Menu Plan Monday 4/22/13

menu plan monday, 3-10Finished with state testing this past Friday!  Yay!!!!  I teach special ed, so this has been going on for months.  I am sooo glad I’m finished, for this year anyway.
We had a great day on Sunday! Went to a pot luck after church which I love! It’s not the delicious food that is always there, but it’s the people I love…our church family. We are blessed to go to a church that is outwardly focused, one that loves people and is merciful.
Speaking of pot lucks, let me share a cookie recipe I took that was a hit and so very easy to make:
3 INGREDIENT “GOURMET” COOKIES RECIPE (makes 3 dozen good sized cookies):


      • 30 ounce (large size) “Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookies” roll of dough
      • 3/4 – 1 cup walnut chunks  (I poured from the bag so I’m not sure exactly how much I used)
      • 3/4 – 1 cup dark chocolate chips  (again, I poured from the bag)

Hope everyone has a great week!  Here’s our menu:.

Monday: Rotisserie Chicken, White Bean, and Spinach Stew

Tuesday: Three-Apple Chicken Salad (use rest of rotisserie chicken)

Wednesday:  Chef salad

Thursday:  Salmon, corn, salad

Friday: Pizza, salad

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