Menu Plan Monday 7/8/13

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Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  We had a nice and busy weekend ourselves.  Our son and new d-i-l met us at Starbucks Sunday afternoon to show pictures from their trip and visit a little bit.  It was so good to see them!   On Saturday evening, we visited with friends and shared some of the groom’s cake with them.  Speaking of the groom’s cake, let me show you how cute it was…so perfect for our son.  The bakery designed it perfectly!  It was actually bigger than it looks like in the picture, and we enjoyed cake for the next week after the wedding.  Yum!

A & A wedding, groom's cake

Isn’t the cake creative? Enough about the cake! Here’s the menu:

Monday: Eat out

Tuesday: Chicken, corn, salad

Wednesday: Cheese Ravioli, salad, baby carrots

Thursday: Chef salad

Friday: Pizza

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