Healthy Home Blog’s New Look

Hi! I haven’t posted in a long time and hardly anything since September 2013.  Sometimes our lives are turned completely upside down and our hearts are completely broken.  But after the healing, we can look back with hearts full of sweet memories and get on with our life.

Just want you to know that I’m back again and Healthy Home Blog will hopefully have a new look this month.  My blog is about home, happiness in life, and healthy habits for body, mind, and spirit.  I’d love to share my experiences with you in this journey we’re all making together.  I’d love for you to share your experiences with me, too.

I would be honored if you would subscribe to my blog so we can share the journey!  The Subscribe box is on my home page.  Also, check out my updated About page.  Thanks!

Hope you have a day that is blessed with sweet memories in the making.

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