CONTEST GIVE-AWAY: Allergy-free Pillow From Lands’ End

lands-end-pillow-resized.jpgCONTEST IS OVER!

Lands’ End has a new product called PureLoft Pillows, the latest technology in allergy-free bedding. PureLoft Pillows are treated with a 100% natural Neem Oil which repels dust mites and inhibits bacteria that can trigger allergies.

I received two Lands’ End pillows, one to review and one for a giveaway.  So, I am giving away one brand new Lands’ End PureLoft standard-size pillow, valued at $25. It’s a plump, very soft pillow that mimics goose down. I know because I have one of my own.  Our son, who has bad allergies, is going to be using the pillow, and I feel good that he will have a pillow that won’t add to his allergy problem.

There are several ways you can be entered to win.  (CONTEST IS OVER)

  1. To be entered once, leave a comment with your name (first name is fine) and email address. Your email address will not be published. I will contact the winner by email.
  2. To be entered three times, leave a comment and subscribe to my blog. (if you’ve already subscribed, that counts)
  3. To be entered four times, leave a comment, stumble, & subscribe to my blog. (again, if you’ve already subscribed, that counts)
  4. To be entered five times, do the above plus write a post about my contest on your blog. (You can copy the above text if you want to.)

I will pay shipping within the U.S.

Contest will last approximately one week. Ending Date will be given during the middle of next week. Click here for ending date. (Ending date was Sat., April 19th.)

In your comment, let me know if you’re doing option #1, #2, #3, or #4. Thanks!

34 thoughts on “CONTEST GIVE-AWAY: Allergy-free Pillow From Lands’ End

  1. Pingback: Fun Contest | Is 8 Enough?

  2. Pingback: Contest on HealthyHomeBlog | MomReviews

  3. I subscribed to your email feed, stumbled the post, and wrote a post on my blog. I REALLY need a new pillow, I wake up every morning with a crick in my neck!

  4. My son is getting allergy tested this Wednesday. I know we will need new healthy pillows for him. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Doing option #2 – I am subscribed to your blog now 🙂

  5. Pingback: Lands’ End Pure Loft Pillow | Contests 4 Moms

  6. Pingback: Living In Peace & Style » Healthy Home Blog Contest

  7. i could realy use this i’m in need so i’m giveing this a try and thats win it thanks

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