Win a $20,000 Home Makeover in the Renuzit TriScents “Transform Your Home” Contest

Renuzit TriScents is having a contest with a $20,000 grand prize to be used towards a home makeover. You can go to their site for the official rules. They even have a Renuzit TriScents Starter Kit coupon for $3 off which is easy to download and print. It can be used at your favorite store to make your house smell nice. It’s always great to walk into a room that smells good! You can enter to win and convince them why your home needs a makeover. Just explain and demonstrate to them. It’s that simple.


If I were to win the grand prize makeover, I would start with our kitchen. I would love to have a large pantry. Right now I use an antique “broom closet” for part of my pantry. It works OK (plus I like antiques), but it’s not large enough. I like to stock up on grocery items when they’re at a good sale price, and a large pantry would be great to store my bargains. Plus it would be nice to have a place to store appliances. And our cabinets need refinishing or even replacing. They’re 24 years old, and have scratch marks from toy cars in years past. Our son even tried to etch his name in a cabinet when he first learned how to write his name. So the cabinets would be a priority. It would be wonderful to have an updated kitchen!

Which room of your house would you start with? Don’t forget to enter to win and convince them why your home needs a makeover!

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