Four Foods On Friday #36

#1. Name your biggest cooking influence.

My mother!  (and second place would be my mother-in-law)
#2. What is your ultimate comfort food?

Depends.  I like comfort foods that remind me of foods I had while growing up like fried okra, squash, potatoes.  (fresh veggies)
#3. Name one must have tool that you think every kitchen should have.

Kitchen shears!
#4. Share a time saving tip.

I use my kitchen shears to cut up chicken breast into chicken nuggets.

8 thoughts on “Four Foods On Friday #36

  1. Kitchen shears are a life saver. Hubby broke mine and I got a cheap pair when we were at a store and they’re crud. So definitely invest in a GOOD pair otherwise you get what you pay for.

  2. My favorite “tool” is parchment paper. I love how it saves time on clean-up when backing!

  3. I use my kitchen shears to cut up some whole tomatoes I’d accidentally poured into my pan. My daughter wanted to know how I did it without fishing the tomatoes out again. Kitchen shears, that’s how 🙂

  4. Pingback: Fun, Crafts and Recipes | What I learned from Four Foods On Friday 36

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