Four Foods On Friday #37

#1. Cake. Buttercream, whipped cream or ice cream?

We like either, buttercream icing or whipped cream icing.  And definitely ice cream with the cake!
#2. When entertaining do you use real, paper, plastic or styrofoam dishes?

Depends.   Real for dinners, plastic for larger informal get-togethers.
#3. When hosting a party do you cook, have it catered or go to a restaurant?

Also depends.   I usually fix the food myself.  But once when we had a surprise birthday party for my husband, we had it at a restaurant.  And now that I think about it, we had a surprise party for our daughter at a restaurant also.
#4. Share a recipe that you frequently serve when having a party.

Chicken Fajitas, black beans, refried beans, guacamole, queso dip, and Sopapilla Cheesecake for dessert

9 thoughts on “Four Foods On Friday #37

  1. It’s always nice if you can cater or go to a restaurant for a party so you can enjoy it and be a guest! 🙂

  2. Clair & Anele,
    I don’t do it often. I’m usually worn out afterwards by the time I clean house and cook! It is nice to go out to a restaurant and have other people do the work! 🙂 lol

  3. Some celebrations seem like they warrant a night out at a restaurant. Some holidays warrant staying home and cooking.

  4. Pingback: Fun, Crafts and Recipes | What I learned from Four Foods On Friday 37

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