The Five Love Languages – Valentine’s Day Book Giveaway

This book was on the New York Times bestseller list, has sold over five million copies, and has been translated into over 40 languages.  This book has helped good marriages become better, and it has helped heal marriages with the rebirth of love the couple thought was gone for good.

To enter your name in the drawing for this book, just leave a brief comment and your first name.  In the info part, leave your email address which will be confidential.  I will notify the winner by email.

February 28, 2010 is the last day to enter.

13 thoughts on “The Five Love Languages – Valentine’s Day Book Giveaway

  1. I have heard this book is wonderful and would be proud to add it to my collection small but wonderful. Being married to my high school boyfriend and being 36 now having a tool to continue to help make our relationship strong is worth reading!

  2. Marriage is not built upon love. But love sustains and under-grids marriage. Marriage should be built upon a solid ground (upon a being higher then human beings = Christ Jesus) so that when the the storms of life’s problems blow and the earth quakes of socio-economic crises strike, the marriage will survive. Love is an emotion which is unstable and unreliable. But it is needed in marriage. Love is then both an emotional and a behavioral response to your partner. However, I illustrate the type of love that should under-grid marriage with the love of parents. A woman, or a couple may decide to bring another human being into the world. They plan to devote their love to the baby, care for it, provide for it, and protect it until it is born, grown, and until it becomes an adult to be independent. During the years the baby was conceived, birthed, and grown to adulthood, the parents provided love for which they did not seek dividends in return. They had no preconceived contract that they would bring a baby into the world, to love it and then it will return their love and services. No. It was out of an unconditional love that says: “We just want to give love to another person. No string is attached to our desire to bringing a baby into the world. We just want to love it because we have enough love inside each of us and we want to share it with another person.” Such love does not expect anything in return for an act, or for your love expressed to your partner. Such love seeks the total (100%) fulfillment, pleasure, joy, safety, happiness, and success of your beloved (your partner). That is what I call “unconditional love”–the one that should be present in and under-grid a successful marriage. However, giving such love is very difficult, therefore, not many people are willing to give it to another person. Consequently, divorce and separation rates and relationship breakups are rising exponentially. Love and you should not expect anything in return. This is the ideal way to establish, develop, and sustain any relationship–whether marriage, family, friendship, or dating relationship.The reward is that your relationship will blossom and your partner will naturally do for you that which you give away freely. That’s a universal law of nature. It has worked for a few people, for me, and it can work for you too.

  3. Marriage IS built on love, but on Agape Love (there are four different types of “love”) which is unconditional love and puts others before self. That’s one thing this book does is to help people understand the other person and their needs, and in doing so they can show their love in a way that the other person can perceive as love.

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