What do you do with a coupon after you cut it out? I used to have an accordion style coupon holder where I would file my coupons. That wasn’t the most efficient way, though. The Frugal Novice tells about using the binder method for storing coupons which is a very efficient method. Christi shows detailed instructions with pictures on how to set up the binder.
I have a friend, Diane, who I called the “Coupon Queen” because she saved an unbelievable amount every week using coupons, and she used the binder method also. That method is the way to go!
Thanks for linking up to my project!
Christi, you’re welcome. You have an awesome blog for just starting. I’m impressed!
So thrilled to see others using the method I created to organize coupons back in 90’s and shared using the username of LWMSAVON on Mycoupons.com! I hope you enjoy the method and save oodles of money.
Happy Couponing!
Laura Williams
Creator of the Coupon Binder Method
.-= Laura @ Laura Williams’ Musings´s last blog ..Homestead Blessings Sale Ends April 1st! Save 45% on the 9 DVD set or 25% off 3-DVD sets! =-.
Laura, thanks for your comment! Glad to know where the binder method originated. Awesome idea!