How to Prevent Bed Bugs

Since there is a bed bug epidemic in the US now, what can we do to help prevent bed bugs from entering our homes?  These bugs can be anywhere including nice hotels, dorm rooms, apartments, and other places where there is a frequent turnover of people.  They can be on new clothes, new sheets, new towels, etc, because these items are often made in countries where bed bugs are a problem.

Here are some good tips from various sources on how to prevent bed bugs from being an uninvited guest:

  • Check out the  BED BUG REGISTRY before staying in a hotel.
  • Keep suitcases off the floor in hotels.
  • Wash all clothes as soon as you return home from a trip.
  • Vacuum luggage as soon as you return home from a trip.
  • Do not purchase clothes and hang them in your closet! Always wash new clothes or send to the cleaners first.  (It doesn’t matter how much the item cost!)
  • Always wash new sheets and new towels which most of us do anyway.  But also wash new curtains or any new fabric where these bugs could be hiding.
  • Cover your mattresses with a plastic mattress cover.
  • (Maybe put stuffed animals in the dryer for 20 minutes?)

Here are a few sources for more information:





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