Menu Plan Monday 1-14-13

I hope everyone is well! There’s been so much sickness going around and the flu is getting an early start from what I hear. It’s important for us to keep up our immunity during this time, so here are some important things we can do:

* Get plenty of rest!  Prioritize what really needs to be done and don’t lose sleep over things that can wait.

* Drink plenty of water.  Water helps to flush out toxins.

* Drink fresh brewed green tea for the antioxidants.

* Eat fresh fruits & veggies and lean meat such as chicken, fish, and turkey.

* Keep your hands away from your mouth and face.

* Wash hands with soap and warm water, especially when around sick germs.

Monday:  Leftover Chicken Tortilla Soup and salad
Tuesday:  Salmon patties, corn, and salad
Wednesday:  Carryout (chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, fried okra)
Thursday:  Tomato Basil Soup & Chef Salad ToT

Friday:  Pizza and salad

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