Menu Plan Monday 2-11-13

Our son is getting married!! Ten years ago, we were in the middle of wedding plans for our daughter, and now we’re in the middle of wedding plans for our son.  Wow!  Ten years have flown by!  So, we’ve been working on the guest list, getting ideas for catering for the rehearsal dinner, and I’ve been looking at dresses.  There are so many things to do in preparation for a wedding.  Anyone else planning a wedding?

With that announcement made, here’s our menu for the week:
Monday: Salmon patties, corn, green beans

Tuesday:  Leftovers from Monday
Wednesday: Bring in chicken tenders, mashed potatoes & okra

ThursdayTomato-Basil Chicken with fettuccine

Friday:  Pizza and salad

4 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday 2-11-13

  1. Dropping by for Organized Junkie! Looking to add some variety to my menus. I like the Tomato Basil Fettucini. Might have to try that.

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