Sunday Thoughts: Strangely Dim

Several years ago, when my mother only had a few days left to live, I would sit in her room, reading my Bible.  I knew in situations like those that God was and is always the true source of comfort.  The chorus of one song kept going through my mind over and over again, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.”  I knew He was there with me in those very hard days.

Francesca Battistelli posted on Facebook this past week that she has a new song out “Strangely Dim.”  This immediately caught my attention…the words struck a chord in my heart because those words are in the song, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.  I quickly listened to her new song on YouTube and loved it.   No matter what anyone is going through in their life, it’s amazing how the tough things in life grow dim when we have our hearts focused on Jesus.  When we trust in Him, we can talk to Him in prayer and turn any and all problems over to Him.  He not only is God’s Son…He is also our best friend, if we open our hearts to Him!  He can comfort us in the way no person can.

Sidenote:  Francesca is one of my favorite female contemporary Christian music artists.  We (our son, my husband, and I) heard her live at a Celebrate Freedom concert at Southfork Ranch (yes, the one that was in the TV show Dallas) a couple of years ago, and we were impressed with her sincerity and commitment to God.  We were impressed how she was seven months pregnant and was sitting on a stool out in the Texas heat (the stage was shaded and she probably had a fan blowing on her).  She must have felt a great commitment to share her songs.  By the way for those of you who keep up with her, they have another new baby, a little girl.


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