Knowing Our Neighbors

When I was a child growing up, we knew all our neighbors.  I wonder, however, if neighbors nowadays know each other as well as they did back when I was growing up.  I don’t think so. Back then, we knew nearly all our neighbors up and down the street and many on the streets on either side of ours as well. Now, we basically know our neighbors on both sides of our house (both are great neighbors, by the way), across the street, and a few others on our street and a few people on other streets in our neighborhood.

One thing that’s sad to me is hearing about some people who don’t even know their neighbors at all. It’s great to have neighbors to be friends with, to watch out for each other’s houses when gone, and to be there to help out when needed.  One definition of “neighborhood” is friendliness appropriate to a neighbor (a feeling of  neighborhood).   Even though neighborhoods may change in dynamics, I hope the “feeling of neighborhood” never changes.  So, one goal we have is to get to know even more of our neighbors.

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