Menu Plan Monday 5/31/13

menu-plan-monday salad bowl

Happy Memorial Day! If you are a veteran or have friends or relatives who are veterans, this day is to honor your service to our country. We have several veterans in our family, and we appreciate what all of the veterans have done to help make our country safe.

Monday: Sauteed chicken with yellow squash & onions

Tuesday: Buitoni Spinach Cheese Tortellini with H*E*B Marinara Sauce, salad

Wednesday:  Grilled Salmon, corn, salad

Thursday:  Chef Salad

Friday: Digiorno Spicy Chicken Supreme Pizza & salad

Sunday Thoughts: When Tragedy Strikes

We don’t know why tragedies have happened the last few months, why innocent children and staff died at Sandy Hook Elementary; why so many people, several of which were children, died and were injured and lost their homes in Moore, Oklahoma; why people died in a tornado in Granbury recently.  There have been other tragedies as well the past year, the past decade, and throughout history.

But one thing I do know without a doubt is that our God cares, and He is close to those who are hurting.  He will comfort all those who turn to Him for comfort.

There are so many people in churches all over the country who are reaching out monetarily and with their time and sweat to help those who are hurting.  The church where we attend in Texas helped people up north after the hurricane hit so hard a few months ago.  And you know what?  Some of those people from the church who were hit hard up north came down to Texas to help those in the West, Texas, disaster recently.  It really encourages me to hear of all the many things that are being done by fellow Christians all over the country to help those who are hurting, who are brokenhearted, who are grieving.

I am so overwhelmed with the end-of-school things that have to be done, but I hope that I can go to at least one of these places where people are hurting and be of comfort and help to them this summer.  That’s my goal.

The best source of comfort comes from God.  Here are some verses from God’s Word, the Bible:

New Century Version,

  1. Psalm 34:18
    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed.
  2. Psalm 147:3
    He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.
  3. Psalm 23:4
    Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me. Your rod and your shepherd’s staff comfort me.
  4. Matthew 5:4
    They are blessed who grieve, for God will comfort them.
  5. 2 Corinthians 1:3
    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort.
  6. 2 Corinthians 1:4
    He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.

Wireless Systems for Musicians

I’ve mentioned before that my husband is a musician.  He has an adequate amount of equipment, but I was reading recently about instrument wireless systems and thought how cool it would be if he had something like a great sennheiser freeport. He wouldn’t have to have all the cables and there wouldn’t be as much equipment to transport to and from places.  The wireless system is supposed to be light weight which would also be good when carrying in several items.  Sounds like a great idea to me.

Fresh Fruit Salad in a Basket

photo watermelon basket

I love fresh fruit and am so thankful that God created such delicious (and super-healthy) foods for us to enjoy!  The picture shows a fun way to serve a fresh fruit salad.

The fruit above was at a teacher’s meeting at the very beginning of the school year, but wouldn’t this be cute at a baby shower or a wedding shower.  It would look nice to have at a wedding reception.  I personally think fruit is great at any occasion.  I know so many people who love fresh fruit.

House Musician

My husband, who is a musician, has a couple of guitars, two amps, a microphone and stand, and the usual things that a guitarist has like cords, capo, etc.  He doesn’t have a spector bass from musicians friend, however, he has gotten other things from there.  He also has stacks of music books sitting beside our piano, and there’s also a violin and the usual things that a violinist needs to play (he’s played violin since he was eight).  It’s evident that a musician definitely lives in our house.

Starting a Business

Have you ever owned a business?  We have!  There are so many details to see about such as where to print business cards, how to advertise, paying for utilities and insurance, and the list goes on and on.  If you’re just starting out, talk to others who have started their own business, plan carefully, and find the best deals on things.  Make a list of everything you will need in order to run your business efficiently.

Menu Plan Monday 5/20/13

My friends and I think weekends are way too short and three-day weekends would be great!  Wish that were the case this week.  We’re all tired!   We had a wonderful weekend, though, with family and friends, and we went to our son and future d-i-l’s wedding shower Sunday afternoon.  Special times!  We feel very blessed!

Hope you have a great week!  Here’s our menu:

Monday:  Leftovers

Tuesday: Chef salad  (I want to lose 3-5 more pounds before our son’s wedding)

Wednesday: Chicken, corn, salad

Thursday: Chef salad

Friday: Eating out at ?


My bike sits in a corner of the garage and hasn’t been ridden in literally years.   I haven’t forgotten that I have it because I see it every day in the garage when I get in my car to go to work.  However, I have forgotten about riding it!  I really need to get it out after school is out and ride it (after airing up the tires, I’m sure…unless they’ve been flat for so long that I need to get new tires).

Our daughter and s-i-l and their boys all have bikes.  And so does our son.  I don’t know if they’ve thought of anything like kuat racks, but I do know they go riding in the park from time to time.  It’s great exercise and it’s fun!  So why am I not riding my bike?  Good question!

Having a House Built

A friend of mine and her husband had their house built several years ago.  They wanted specific things in their house such as Pella brand windows from a place such as Pella Virginia, only I think they bought them locally.   Although it took a lot of time (understatement), they had their dream home like they wanted…at least they thought they did.  After living there for a little while, they realized there were several things they wished they had done differently.  But some things, like having Pella windows put in, they were so glad they had done.

Final Stages of Wedding Planning

Our son and future daughter-in-law are in the final stages of planning their June wedding.  They have just about everything planned and have very little left to do.  They looked at rings a while back and decided what they wanted.  I don’t know if they looked at cobalt rings, but I do know they chose really nice rings.

One of the things left to do is our son making his decision on the groom’s cake.  I still think he needs to have a “Yoshi” (a Super Mario Nintendo character) cake.  Yoshi has always been his favorite, and anyone who has played video games with him knows that.  So, it will be interesting to see what kind of groom’s cake he chooses.

Menu Plan Monday 5/13/13

menu plan monday, 3-10

Our son graduated from college this weekend, and I had the honor of standing behind him in the ceremony and placing the graduation hood on him.  It was a beautiful ceremony because it included songs of praise and thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness throughout their lives and prayers that they may be blessed to make them effective servant-leaders in their respective professions.

With so many enjoyable events,  one event right after another, it made for a busy but fun weekend, and we were even able to attend a recital for the musically gifted daughter of some good friends the night before graduation.  Mother’s Day included lunch at Olive Garden with our children, grandchildren and the parents of our son’s fiancee, and after a little more visiting, we still got back home at a reasonable hour.  I hope your Mother’s Day was an especially good one!

 Monday: Chicken, sauteed okra & yellow squash & onions

Tuesday: Chicken pasta with H*E*B Marinara Sauce, salad

Wednesday: Chicken, mashed potatoes, & okra

Thursday: Talapia, red potatoes & green beans

Friday: Digiorno Spicy Chicken Supreme Pizza & salad