Met Author Karen Witemeyer

I recently bought a book called “A Tailor-Made Bride” by Karen Witemeyer but have been so busy that I haven’t had time to start it yet.   However, I did get to meet Karen in person because she goes to church where our son and future d-i-l do.  She’s a sweet person, and I look forward to having the time to read her book.  She writes historical fiction, and her books are sold on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and at Lifeway.  Let me know if you’ve read one of her books.


Converting Ounces to Grams

Have you ever wanted to eat a certain number of ounces but the weight of the food was given in grams?  Just remember this:

  • 1 Ounce = 28.35 Grams

I round the grams to 28 to make it easier to remember.  So, if I want to eat three ounces of meat, then I multiply 3 x 28 which means I need approximately 84 grams of meat.  Sounds like a  lot when the meat is measured in grams!

Online Education

This is a guest post by Owen Smith from eCertified Learning.

Education is considered to be a stepping stone in increasing knowledge for both professional and personal development. The practical application of education in a certain field of study can give way to obtaining a professional career or even establish a great foundation to begin a very promising business venture. However, many professionals feel that because of the job and time constraints, going to a school or attending a college is quite impossible to do, thus, coming up the wonderful idea of distance learning or online education.

Creating an investment in education can be one of the most compelling and clever decision that you could ever make in your life because it bring forth immediate impact to your future. Basically, online education plays a vital role with regards to connecting student with various colleges through online classes around the world, despite of the location, time, distance or any other barricade. Online education courses are being offered by open institutions to acknowledge the call for internationally recognized quality training and education.

Whether you are a student who is just starting with their road to learning, a successful professional who wishes to further their education through specialized and advanced programs, or simply a person who is bound by health or travel concerns, online education courses are definitely the answers to your problems.

Here are a few of the many benefits that you can be able to obtain in an online education:

  • Firstly, students are provided with the opportunity to pick out from different courses, programs and schools which cannot be taken in the area or place they are living in. This is a huge advantage especially for those people who are living in rural areas that usually include only two or even just one educational facility which most only give out limited program and course options for students.
  • Another benefit and apparently the most popular one of all is that it provides flexibility. Since they can be able to attend classes wherever and whenever they want as long as they have a computer and an access to the Internet, they can easily come out with a schedule or set up that would work perfectly for them.
  • Learning through online can enable a more centered to the students’ approach of teaching. Since every student has their own way or technique of learning that works great for them, having an online education might aid in making sure that each and every material or lesson is totally understood before going on to the next level. This could definitely result to a much better learning for anyone.
  • Online education courses materials are available 24 hours every day. This simply means that the students can get access and review discussions, lectures and other more materials that are related to their course. There are other students out there that are finding it hard to apprehend spoken discussion that is usually done in a traditional classroom setting because of too much distraction or because of boredom.
  • In an online setting, a student will only be marked as present if he or she is actually participating in the classroom discussion. Thus, encouraging the students to mingle and interact, heightening the variance of opinion as every single student is provided with the chance to speak out and share their thoughts.
  • This method of learning brings forth a number of savings due to the fact that there is no longer need for accommodation, as well as transportation costs. In addition, online education courses and programs are much affordable compared to courses that are taken in a typical school.
  • There are also several online courses that provide the chance to interact and learn things from the most renowned and outstanding lecturers and professors all over the world.
  • Since most of the online instructors come from various locations around the world, students are exposed to knowledge from the online teachers which cannot be acquired in books.
  • Students of online education are also provided with the chance to communicate with their teachers whenever they wish to. This can be done through email, online chat and newsgroup discussions. Both teachers and students can be able to discuss with each other their concerns related to their course or material without the need to wait for office hours.

The Internet has truly changed the way in which education is being delivered with the focus that still remains the same and that is for the students to obtain a good environment for learning.

Menu Plan Monday 6/10/13

menu plan monday, 3-10

This was a very busy but very fun weekend!  Our son and future daughter-in-law came for their church shower where we go to church. It was absolutely beautiful, and they got so many nice things. It is such a blessing to have a wonderful church family where there are so many sweet people!

I have to show you the cake from the wedding shower. It was so pretty and delicious, and the fondant flowers on top looked too pretty to eat!

A & A's SS shower at Dana's, 6-9-13 008
Menu for the week:

Monday: Salmon Patties, corn, salad

Tuesday: Leftovers

Wednesday: Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans

Thursday: Eat out

Friday: Digiorno Spicy Chicken Supreme Pizza & salad

Starting a Business

Have you ever started a business and had to get everything from industrial signs to fire extinguishers to cash registers?  As I’ve written before, we did back in the eighties.  There are so many things on a shopping list for a new business.  Back then, though, we didn’t have the convenience of shopping online.  Nowadays, people are able to get nearly everything they need and find the best prices by searching on the Internet and then having the items delivered to their doorstep.   That’s a good way to start a new business.

Menu Plan Monday 6/3/13

This weekend was beautiful weather-wise.  Nice to not have any storms!  Sunday, we went to a church luncheon at noon for the recovery group that attends there.  Then I went to a wedding shower for a young lady at church who is getting married.  It was a beautiful shower!  Next week, they’re having a shower for our future daughter-in-law (although they don’t know her, just our son). So exciting!

We feel so blessed to be part of a church family that is so loving to people, whether they’re poor or homeless or well-to-do, no matter the skin color or age (lots of babies, children, college students, young couples, middle age and elderly), and that reaches out to those are overcoming additions and to those in the community by hosting a children’s clinic for neighborhood children, having a weekly food pantry and clothing for those in need, adopting a near-by school and doing things for the students and faculty, and a lot of other things.  Reminds me of the saying, “What would Jesus do?” The Bible tells us some of the things Jesus did when He lived on earth which were helping the poor and needy, loving others, and doing good. What a wonderful example to try to follow!

So…here’s our menu.  Hope you have a great week!

Monday: Salmon patties, salad, baby carrots

Tuesday:  Leftovers

Wednesday: Chicken, corn, salad

Thursday: Chef salad

Friday: Pizza


Sometimes computers can be so frustrating.  Every once in a while, my computer at school or at home will freeze up or run slowly for a little bit.  That makes me want to speed my computer up so I can get my work done.  But for the most part, both of the computers work great, and I’m very thankful to have them to make my work easier.

Gift for the Musician

Father’s Day is coming up soon now that it’s June.  What would be a good gift to give a musician?  That’s always the question because we like to give gifts that people really like.   Does he need any good egnater amps or any other music related accessory?  Or is there a good book about music he would like or maybe a new shirt to wear to one of his gigs?  I’ll do some thinking about it and try to come up with something I think he will like.

Getting Ready to Move In

Our son and future daughter-in-law just closed on a house so they would have it to move into after they get married the end of June.  They have been doing basic cleaning like you would do before moving into a house, changing locks, putting in a security system, etc.  They cleaned the carpets which is always good to do.  They have also made sure the Internet is up and running, a very important thing to do nowadays.  They still have a list of things they want to get done before they move in, but at the rate they’re going, they should be finished in plenty of time before the wedding.

Menu Plan Monday 5/31/13

menu-plan-monday salad bowl

Happy Memorial Day! If you are a veteran or have friends or relatives who are veterans, this day is to honor your service to our country. We have several veterans in our family, and we appreciate what all of the veterans have done to help make our country safe.

Monday: Sauteed chicken with yellow squash & onions

Tuesday: Buitoni Spinach Cheese Tortellini with H*E*B Marinara Sauce, salad

Wednesday:  Grilled Salmon, corn, salad

Thursday:  Chef Salad

Friday: Digiorno Spicy Chicken Supreme Pizza & salad

Sunday Thoughts: When Tragedy Strikes

We don’t know why tragedies have happened the last few months, why innocent children and staff died at Sandy Hook Elementary; why so many people, several of which were children, died and were injured and lost their homes in Moore, Oklahoma; why people died in a tornado in Granbury recently.  There have been other tragedies as well the past year, the past decade, and throughout history.

But one thing I do know without a doubt is that our God cares, and He is close to those who are hurting.  He will comfort all those who turn to Him for comfort.

There are so many people in churches all over the country who are reaching out monetarily and with their time and sweat to help those who are hurting.  The church where we attend in Texas helped people up north after the hurricane hit so hard a few months ago.  And you know what?  Some of those people from the church who were hit hard up north came down to Texas to help those in the West, Texas, disaster recently.  It really encourages me to hear of all the many things that are being done by fellow Christians all over the country to help those who are hurting, who are brokenhearted, who are grieving.

I am so overwhelmed with the end-of-school things that have to be done, but I hope that I can go to at least one of these places where people are hurting and be of comfort and help to them this summer.  That’s my goal.

The best source of comfort comes from God.  Here are some verses from God’s Word, the Bible:

New Century Version,

  1. Psalm 34:18
    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed.
  2. Psalm 147:3
    He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.
  3. Psalm 23:4
    Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me. Your rod and your shepherd’s staff comfort me.
  4. Matthew 5:4
    They are blessed who grieve, for God will comfort them.
  5. 2 Corinthians 1:3
    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort.
  6. 2 Corinthians 1:4
    He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.