This weekend was beautiful weather-wise. Nice to not have any storms! Sunday, we went to a church luncheon at noon for the recovery group that attends there. Then I went to a wedding shower for a young lady at church who is getting married. It was a beautiful shower! Next week, they’re having a shower for our future daughter-in-law (although they don’t know her, just our son). So exciting!
We feel so blessed to be part of a church family that is so loving to people, whether they’re poor or homeless or well-to-do, no matter the skin color or age (lots of babies, children, college students, young couples, middle age and elderly), and that reaches out to those are overcoming additions and to those in the community by hosting a children’s clinic for neighborhood children, having a weekly food pantry and clothing for those in need, adopting a near-by school and doing things for the students and faculty, and a lot of other things. Reminds me of the saying, “What would Jesus do?” The Bible tells us some of the things Jesus did when He lived on earth which were helping the poor and needy, loving others, and doing good. What a wonderful example to try to follow!
So…here’s our menu. Hope you have a great week!
Monday: Salmon patties, salad, baby carrots
Tuesday: Leftovers
Wednesday: Chicken, corn, salad
Thursday: Chef salad
Friday: Pizza