Band Memories

Our son is graduating from college this week which brings back memories of his school years, especially being in band.  He was in band from sixth grade through his second year in college and then for two years in a percussion ensemble.  I remember all the football games with the band playing at half time and the color guard flags decorating the field.  Then there were all the many band competitions and a parade or two every year.  We have so many wonderful memories!

Not Listless

So much to do and so little time!  Have you ever felt that way?  I have several lists going right now.  One for school, one for errands, one for day-to-day stuff, one for our son’s graduation party, one for our son’s wedding, one for the rehearsal dinner, etc.   Another list is a shopping list for everything else (not literally everything – I don’t have ceramic rods on my list).   My husband would tell me that I’m not listless.  Haha!  Hope you got the humor!


Do you know people who have disabilities?  Then you may know how much car lift deals, chair lifts, and other aids mean to people who need them.  There are so many things that have been developed throughout the past couple of decades that greatly benefit those with disabilities.  These things increase their mobility, help decrease the effects of their disability, and increase their independence.

Menu Plan Monday 5/6/13

menu plan monday, 3-10

 I had an absolutely wonderful weekend!  Went to visit our son and go to a wedding shower for our son and future d-i-l.  It was hosted by someone who goes to church with our future d-i-l’s family, and the shower was beautiful.  People were so sweet!  And I’m so tired from the busy weekend and all the excitement, so this is going to be short.  Here’s our menu:

Monday:  Salmon, corn, broccoli

Tuesday: Turkey patties, Kale & Romaine Salad, carrots

Wednesday: Stir-fry with chicken, yellow squash, red pepper and onions

Thursday: Salad with raw veggies & “turkey bacon

Friday:  Pizza & salad

Menu Plan Monday 4/29/13

Weekends are way too short!  I think three-day weekends would be awesome, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.  We’ve had such beautiful weather here in the Metroplex the past couple of days (reminds me of the weather in Hawaii).  Wish it could stay like this for a while, but that’s not going to happen either here in Texas.  Hope you have a great week!

Here’s our menu for this week :

Monday:  Rotisserie Chicken soup and salad

Tuesday:  Chef salad

Wednesday: Chicken, corn, salad

Thursday: Chef salad

Friday: Eating out

Recipe for No-bake Chocolate Island Cookies

This is a recipe that a friend of mine, Grace, posted on Facebook recently.  It was her mom’s recipe and sounds so good!

Mix in large bowl:

  • 3 cups oats
  • 6 tablesoons cocoa
  • 1 cup coconut
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine in saucepan:

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup butter

Bring to a hard-rolling boil. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla and pour hot mixture over dry ingredients. Mix well, drop by teaspoons on wax paper & let cool.


Menu Plan Monday 4/22/13

menu plan monday, 3-10Finished with state testing this past Friday!  Yay!!!!  I teach special ed, so this has been going on for months.  I am sooo glad I’m finished, for this year anyway.
We had a great day on Sunday! Went to a pot luck after church which I love! It’s not the delicious food that is always there, but it’s the people I love…our church family. We are blessed to go to a church that is outwardly focused, one that loves people and is merciful.
Speaking of pot lucks, let me share a cookie recipe I took that was a hit and so very easy to make:
3 INGREDIENT “GOURMET” COOKIES RECIPE (makes 3 dozen good sized cookies):


      • 30 ounce (large size) “Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookies” roll of dough
      • 3/4 – 1 cup walnut chunks  (I poured from the bag so I’m not sure exactly how much I used)
      • 3/4 – 1 cup dark chocolate chips  (again, I poured from the bag)

Hope everyone has a great week!  Here’s our menu:.

Monday: Rotisserie Chicken, White Bean, and Spinach Stew

Tuesday: Three-Apple Chicken Salad (use rest of rotisserie chicken)

Wednesday:  Chef salad

Thursday:  Salmon, corn, salad

Friday: Pizza, salad

Dark Chocolate Almond Cookies: Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free

Here’s a very healthy sounding recipe for cookies!


  • 1 cup almond butter
  • 3/4 cup natural sweetener
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 ounces dark chocolate pieces

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  combine first 5 ingredients, stir, add chocolate.  Drop by rounded tablespoons onto parchment paper on cookie sheet.  Bake 10-12 minutes.  Let cool.


Menu Plan Monday 4/15/13

This past week was crazy busy!  Hoping for a less busy week.  The beginning of the week looks very nice.  May get hectic towards the end though.  It’s probably that way for a lot of you reading this.  Hope your week turns out nice!

Here’s our menu :

Monday:  Jason’s Deli

Tuesday:  Buitoni Spinach Cheese Tortellini, salad

Wednesday:  Chicken, corn, salad

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Pizza, salad

At-Home Fitness Tips for Children with Autism


More than half of the nation’s children with Autism are overweight. Being overweight can cause numerous problems such as: bone and joint issues as well as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This has influenced Suzanne M Gray, a fitness expert, to create exercise programs for individuals with autism.
Gray is the CEO of Right Fit Sport and Wellness Center in Willowbrook, IL, and has been creating fitness programs and working with individuals who have special needs for more than 30 years. She has seen how exercise improves an individuals’ motor skills, muscle tone, and socialization skills. Exercise is also beneficial in eliminating self-destructive and self- stimulating behaviors in children with Autism.
Her latest program, “Five to Stay Alive,” consists of at-home activities recommended for children with autism to help fight obesity. They include:
1. Around the Block. Create a neighborhood path for children to follow and have your child run this path a designated number of times per day. He/she could wear a pedometer to measure steps and calories and track progress.
2. Raise the Bar! You’re a Star! Start with a dowel rod and raise it over head and back down. Eventually this can be substituted for weight bars.
3. Chair Squats. This movement is required for most power moves of the lower extremities and most athletic events.
4. Push-ups. If your child is able, have them do a designated number of push- ups every day.
5. Jumping Jacks. Again, depending on where children are on the spectrum, will make a difference in how many they can do.
Chart all progress on a chart and keep track of repetition and loads. Offer incentives as motivators such as stickers or a fat-free dessert.
Kids with Autism benefit greatly from exercise. A structured routine is essential to see results. Another fitness tip is to combine music and play with exercise because it enhances the child’s sensory response while boosting independence, happiness and self-esteem. “The biggest benefit”, says Gray “is weight loss”. Be sure to check out Suzanne’s book, “101 Games and Activities for Youth with Autism”, and her DVD “Raising the Bar: Exercises for Youth and Adults with Autism”, for more information on fitness for individual with Autism. To learn more about Suzanne Gray log on to

One-Minute Fresh Blackberry Dessert

blog, fresh blueberry dessert 4-13

Here’s a super-fast and easy dessert that is so delicious and packed with nutrients!  It’s even healthier without the preserves, so you could add Stevia to sweeten the berries and cut down on the sugar content.

  • Fresh blackberries, well rinsed
  • Blackberry preserves
  • Whipped cream

Mix 1 tablespoon preserves for every 1/2 cup blackberries.  Stir gently.  Top with whipped cream.