Book Giveaway: The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman

This book, on the New York Times bestseller list, has sold over 11 million copies to date and has been translated into over 40 languages.  Written by Dr. Gary Chapman, it has helped good marriages become better, and it has helped heal marriages with the rebirth of love the couple thought was gone forever.

Here’s the scoop:

Update:  This giveaway is closed as of 2/21/19.  Congratulations to Jasmin and Peggy, the two winners of the giveaway!


Two winners will receive The Five Love Languages.  This Giveaway runs from 2-9-19 until midnight CST 2-21-19, and it’s open to all U.S. residents.  I will pay shipping charges.

Leave a comment on my blog post.   (Be sure and leave an email address when it asks for one so I can contact you if you win.)

Please leave a separate comment for each of the entries below:

  • “Like” Healthy Home Blog on Facebook (1 extra entry) (also leave a comment if you already follow me)
  • Follow me on Twitter (1 extra entry) (also leave a comment if you already follow me)
  • Subscribe to Healthy Home Blog on my sidebar (1 extra entry) (also leave a comment if you already subscribe)

* Note: I was not compensated in any way for this. I am providing the books and shipping charges for this giveaway.

For anyone interested, Gary Chapman has also written several different “5 Love Languages” books including one for children and one for teenagers.

Kia Soul Video & Entry for $25 iTunes Gift Card

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Kia Motors.

Video is no longer available.

Have you seen the new Kia Soul commercial? My favorite parts are where the Kia hamsters are working out, especially where one is on the treadmill and falls off. I was surprised at the end. When you watch it, let me know what are your favorite parts.

Now, here’s the good part!  If you watch the video and tweet about it, you’ll be entered in a gift card giveaway.

Please note the requirement for entry for the $25 iTunes gift card (mandatory):   Watch the Kia Soul commercial and then tweet your favorite part of the commercial including @Kia and the hashtag #Hamsters.