I have been in “grandma heaven” this week, helping with our new grandbaby. I went to stay with our daughter and son-in-law for a few days to help out with the baby and things around the house, cook, etc. Although our daughter is on maternity leave, she still needed to contact a few clients and catch up on voicemail and work email. She was able to do this from home.
I loved being able to sit on the couch, holding “Baby J.” I enjoyed watching him, HGTV, and our daughter as she worked at her computer and made business calls. I thought about how nearly 26 years ago I sat in my grandparent’s rocker which we had in our nursery. Years ago I sat rocking our daughter as a newborn, watching her tiny features and listening to her precious little sounds that only newborns make. I wondered back then what she would be like when she grew up.
This week I sat holding her newborn baby. Those 26 years have passed in a flash, and now I know that she is such a wonderful new mother, as well as a great wife. And I’m so proud of her! (and my husband is too!) And so I wondered, as I sat watching Baby J’s tiny features and listening to his precious little sounds that only newborns make, what will he be like when he grows up? It was a very special time for sure!