Four Foods On Friday 86

Four Foods on Friday is sponsored by “From Val’s Kitchen.”  Val would love to have you come visit her site and play Four Foods with us.  Here is this week’s:

Hi everybody.  This week I’m asking players to look in their kitchen and find at least four items that start with one of the following letters – J, W, B and O.

My (Val’s) answers are:
J – jerky
W – white rice (creative license please)
B – butter
o – olive oil

If you play please don’t forget to drop your name and link into Mr Linky so the other players know where to find you. Thanks!

OK, now here are my answers:

  • JJello
  • WWorcestershire Sauce
  • BBananas
  • OOnion

I guess the idea, too, is to try and come up with answers that no one else has written yet.