Getting Ready for the Holidays

There’s a saying that the best motivator for cleaning one’s house is having company.  I think that’s true for most people, especially me!  Some people are probably hire a house cleaner to come in during this time of year to clean their house when maybe they do it themselves the rest of the year.  There’s so much to do during the holidays that it really helps relieve some of the stress to have extra help.  I believe it’s worth the extra cost to have more time to enjoy being with family and friends!

How many of our traditions during the holidays are meaningful to the majority of the family?  I remember reading about a mom who worked hard to make this certain complicated dessert for Christmas dinner.  She had read an article about taking family polls about traditions so she did that with her family.  It turns out no one in her family cared whether she made that dessert or not.  It had been a tradition that had served its purpose in the past, but now could be replaced by having more quality time with the family.

Zoo or Tropical Forest?

If you answered “zoo,” you’re correct. The Fort Worth Zoo is a beautiful place to visit.  Definitely worth coming to if you’re anywhere in the area.  It has won awards and is included in the top museums of the U.S., depending on which list you’re reading.

Most people have their favorite animals they enjoy watching.  At this zoo, the giraffes, zebras, lions and elephants are amazing to me.  What awesome creatures!  But they are not the only ones I enjoy.  Just about every exhibit is interesting and fascinating.

I do have one word of warning!  If you go in the wire-enclosed area where birds fly around and above you, beware!  I went with my family, and my grand kids were enjoying looking around, that is until one of them pooped down the back of my grandson’s head and neck.  He was terrified and it really was so gross.  It wasn’t just a little bit of poop.  It was massive!  Needless to say, Mom and Dad cleaned him up and had to throw away his shirt.  The gift shop saved the day by selling T-shirts and then everything was OK.

Now, I must add for those of you that answered, “Rain Forest,” that the Fort Worth Zoo does have a rain forest in their atrium area.  And I forget to mention that the atrium is another one of my favorite things about this zoo.  So if you’re thinking about visiting, I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed.  I’ve never known anyone who was.

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Get Out Your Coats!

It’s going to get really cold here in the Metroplex tonight, so get out your coats if you live in the area. We’ll definitely need more than a lightweight jacket. I do know someone who will think it feels great and will probably have on a lightweight jacket, but I know someone else who will probably have on long johns under her clothes. I’ve learned from experience and am planning on wearing several layers because it’s supposed to warm up in the afternoon.  You gotta love Texas weather!  It’s no surprise to have multiple seasons in one week!


There are many tools in my husband’s tool box.  I don’t know how many different kinds are in there, but I do know there’s quite a variety.  My husband’s tools are something that our family wants to keep.  They bring back many memories of him either working on his car, replacing a faucet when remodeling, or installing an InSinkerator.  He could do many different things and was a man of many talents.  He truly was!   So his tools remind us of him and bring back many different memories.  Treasured memories!


Menu Plan Monday

There isn’t a menu this week because of all the food from church friends.  There’s enough left in the fridge to eat on all week.  So blessed!

Be sure to hug those you love every morning before you/they leave. It might be the last time you get to hug them.  I never dreamed that would be the last morning with my husband.  Make sure that your life is right with God. We have absolutely no guarantee of tomorrow.


Menu Plan Monday 9/9/13

Tomorrow is something we are not promised.  I’ve heard that many times.  But it’s just a thoughtful saying, right?   Until tomorrow comes and your loved one is suddenly gone from your life.  That happened to me the next morning after this post published.  My husband died suddenly on Sept. 10th!

Hope everyone is staying cool and surviving the hot weather!  Cooler days should be here before long.  School is still keeping me super busy.  Teachers were worn out by Friday this past week!
Monday:  Catfish, green beans, corn…..

Tuesday: Food for Life Tortilla Pizzas made on stove top using a griddle

Wednesday: Chicken and Black Bean Burritos

Thursday:  Parmesan Crusted Tilapia,  organic spinach salad with mushrooms, organic baby carrots

Friday:  Pizza and salad

Back Massage

Teaching a special ed class, we do a lot of bending over, kneeling down, and sitting on the floor with students during the week.  We have to help some students stand up.  Needless to say, we’ve been having sore backs this week.  It would be nice to send for a massage therapist to come and give us all back massages in the classroom.  It would be really nice to have them come every week.   Ok, I’m dreaming!  Actually, my husband gives me a back rub when I have a backache.  It’s wonderful!

Chicken Vegetable Soup With Fresh Cilantro

There’s nothing like fresh, homemade soup.   The fresh cilantro in this soup makes it so good!


  • 1 – 2 cups of Rotisserie Chicken (or a 12-ounce can of chicken breast)
  • 1  can chicken broth
  • 1/2 medium onion, chopped
  • 10-15 baby carrots, sliced
  • 1  can black beans, do not drain
  • 1/2 cup frozen corn
  • 1/2 cup salsa
  • 1 teaspoon chopped garlic (I keep a jar in the fridge)
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, snip off whole leaves
  • 1-2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil


The Percussion Years

For a decade, our son has been involved in band or in an ensemble playing some type of percussion instrument.   Actually, he’s played for the past eleven years.   He’s enjoyed playing drums and several other instruments but now that he’s graduated from college, he isn’t in band anymore.  Knowing his love for music, however, I imagine that he will continue playing and that the “percussion years” are not over.  I hope not!  I miss hearing him play!

Kia Soul Video & Entry for $25 iTunes Gift Card

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Kia Motors.

Video is no longer available.

Have you seen the new Kia Soul commercial? My favorite parts are where the Kia hamsters are working out, especially where one is on the treadmill and falls off. I was surprised at the end. When you watch it, let me know what are your favorite parts.

Now, here’s the good part!  If you watch the video and tweet about it, you’ll be entered in a gift card giveaway.

Please note the requirement for entry for the $25 iTunes gift card (mandatory):   Watch the Kia Soul commercial and then tweet your favorite part of the commercial including @Kia and the hashtag #Hamsters.

San Diego

We have some friends who moved to San Diego years ago.  They bought a house and settled there for several years.  I had thought of San Diego as being a smaller town but found out it is actually one of the fastest growing cities in the nation and is the second largest city in California.  That really surprised me!  It has everything you would expect a large city to have.  I’ve heard it’s a nice place to visit plus the cityscape is impressive.  Maybe someday we’ll visit there.  For now, I need to brush up on my geography lessons a little bit.  Well, actually a lot!

Menu Plan Monday 9/2/13

menu plan monday, 3-10

Hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend. We had a wonderful weekend celebrating family birthdays.  This week is going to be busy with three days of after school meetings or training.  Something tells me that this four day work week may end up seeming like five days.

Here’s our menu:

Monday: Pan grilled Talapia, sauteed spinach, carrots, chocolate birthday cake

Tuesday: Catfish, veggie salad, chocolate birthday cake

Wednesday: Leftovers, including chocolate birthday cake

Thursday: Chef salad (I need to eat salads for the rest of the month after all this birthday cake!!)

Friday: Pizza