Four Foods On Friday 43

Here are this week’s four questions. I’ve got the Olympics on my mind so this week they’re about fitness/physical activity/sports:

#1. What do you drink to rehydrate in the heat or after working out?


#2. What do you eat to help boost or create energy?

Complex carbs such as whole grains, fruit, etc., and tea is usually energizing.

#3. What’s the healthiest snack you eat?

Raw nuts & seeds:  almonds, cashews, pecans, sunflower seeds

Hot air popped organic popcorn with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt

(We can get organic popcorn in the bulk food section at Central Market and, contrary to what some might think, it’s actually less than buying name brand popcorn that isn’t even organic.  If you want to know why we buy organic, read this about Genetically Modified Seeds (especially CORN, soy, and canola)  And note the comments for that post – a doctor left a comment and some really good info.  There are several good comments.
#4. Share a recipe or instructions for your ideal three course meal.

Salad, entree, and dessert.  Salad would need to be really fresh and chilled.  And for the entree it would be fish, chicken, or turkey.  Veggies would be fresh and steamed.  Dessert would be a fresh fruit mix with poppyseed dressing.