If you’re like our family, we’re so ready to eat healthy after eating too many rich, sweet, and decadent foods! We’re back to low-fat, lots of veggies, salads, and fresh fruit. Lean meats and healthy foods such as home-made soups with lots of veggies make up the majority of our menu plans. But we don’t completely eliminate desserts! Instead, we try to have healthier options in moderation. That’s one great thing about it being “National Oatmeal Month.” Oatmeal makes so many foods healthier, even cookies!
When we were at my mother-in-law’s over the holidays, we made the oatmeal cookies you see pictured below. True, they had oatmeal and raisins in them which are both healthy, but they had too much butter for my taste. Besides, I’m wanting to lose the five pounds I gained during December, and recipes with a lot of butter are not going to make that happen. So check back during the month for healthier options to the traditional oatmeal cookie recipe..