Organic Info

Our daughter and s-i-l gave me a great book for part of my Mother’s Day gift. It’s called The Organic Food Shopper’s Guide by Jeff Cox, published this year. Talk about an eye opener, I’ve read a little about genetically modified food crops (GMO), but this book goes into detail. Now, I’m really concerned about what kind of weird foods we might be eating. It’s very concerning to think that we might be eating foods that could be damaging to our health.

  • In 2001, a genetically modified corn crop contained a gene which produced “aprotinin” which is a “trypsin inhibitor,” known to cause pancreatic disease in animals. (Pollen can spread and turn non-GMO plants offspring into GMO plants.)
  • Another genetically altered corn crop produced a glycoprotein found on the surface of two strains of HIV and “simian immunodeficiency virus.” When this gets into the human blood stream, it kills white blood cells. The U.S. ordered this crop destroyed, but it had contaminated another 155 acres of corn which also had to be destroyed. (My question is how many other crops were contaminated?)
  • In the U.S., genetically modified foods are not allowed to be labeled!

I’ve just started reading this book, so I will probably be sharing more info later.